Thursday, November 28, 2019

Physical attractiveness Essay Example

Physical attractiveness Essay We found that in general women were more likely to offer youth and good looks as opposed to wealth and financial status in my sample of adverts. This is similar to the research of Dunbar and Waynforth (1995), who found that women were more likely to offer physical attractiveness. Furthermore, these results are supported by Darwins theory of evolution, as by offering physical attractiveness as a quality, women are more likely to be successful child bearers. This means that offspring are more likely to survive, and healthy genes are more likely to be passed through the generations. Similarly, we found that men were more likely to offer wealth and finance rather that looks. Dunbar and Waynforth also found a similar trend. Furthermore, Darwins theory of evolution also supports these findings, as a man with a secure financial status will be more able to provide for offspring making them more likely to survive and have the ability to pass on healthy genes to the next generation. Our results are also supported by research by David Buss who also found that women are more likely to offer youth and looks rather than wealth and finance, and vice versa for men. We will write a custom essay sample on Physical attractiveness specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Physical attractiveness specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Physical attractiveness specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer However, my results cannot necessarily be accounted for using different cultures, as Anderson et al (1992) found that attractive characteristics varies from culture to culture. Limitations and Modifications Although my results matched my experimental hypothesis, the experiment had many limitations. Firstly, I was not able to control who advertised themselves in the newspaper and therefore the advertisements may not be representative of the general population. Only a certain type of person would put an advertisement into a newspaper. They may be shy or have a personal difference that stops them from going out. It is also possible that they have personality traits that are not typical of the average person. It could be argued that people who advertise in lonely-hearts advertisements could be argued as abnormal. Most people are able to and meet their partners out on social occasions or at their local sports club but those who are writing into the newspapers must be unable to find somebody in theses situations and therefore could possibly be abnormal. Secondly, people may emphasise certain traits, underestimate others and tell lies or not the full truth. This limits the validity of any conclusions that are drawn from the possibly unreliable results. Also, there is the fact that my pre-determined lists are subjective as they are opinion and therefore someone repeating the experiment may deduce completely different information from the same examples when there were no specific references to youth/looks and wealth/finance. This reduces the ecological validity of my experiment even further. As with most experiments, Cultural variations have to also be taken into account. This could be due to the extent to which countries are developed and the differing cultural priorities. For example in some cultures it is a priority for women to get married and have children, whereas for the men it is to provide food for their family. It is now becoming increasingly more common for the womens role to be more providing and for the mens role to be involved with the children. My results draw attention to the fact that women who have youth/good looks and men that are successful/wealthy (and good looking also) are thought to be the most attractive. These results are apparent in the media and aspects of every day life. For example, photos of women on mens magazines are almost always of women who are youthful and stereotypically good looking. Also, mens magazines often contain content that will offer advice on becoming more successful, and therefore more attractive. Also, many adverts aimed at men signify status symbols and therefore support my findings. One explanation for my results may be because of an evolutionary effect; over time men have become more attracted to good looking women as they will be likely to successfully give birth to children and women have become more attracted to men offering resources as they will be more likely to provide for them and their offspring meaning a higher chance of survival. By doing this, healthy genes can be passed on through the generations and the race can continue to survive. This explanation is supported by Darwins theory of evolution. However, men and women may be influenced by the media, peer pressure or other things that make them try and act or appear more attractive. There is a range of further research that could be carried out to gain a further insight into the nature of these findings. For example, the experiment could be repeated using homosexual ads, and see what resources homosexuals offer and compare those findings to these ones. I could also compare results with findings from samples of an older generation past breeding age so that the findings would be irrelevant to evolution. Additionally, a cross culture investigation would be an interesting investigation to be done. One could study how people in different cultures attract their partners and even compare between more economically developed and less economically developed countries. Physical attractiveness Essay Example Physical attractiveness Essay The sample was composed of 40 students from the University of Warwick, 20 males and 20 females, between 18 and 24 years of age. Equal numbers of male and female participants were used to counter the effects gender may place on perception of physical attractiveness. The subjects participated in the study on a voluntary basis and were an opportunity sample.  Materials  Two consent forms including a brief about the experiment and the participants role within it was provided for the couples being rated and the independent judges, (see appendix A and B.) Separate colour photographs were taken from the neck up of each member of ten long term heterosexual couples using a digital camera. Long term was defined as courting for 6months or over. These couples were told their photograph would be rated for physical attractiveness by independent judges and that the results would be recorded for a psychological investigation, anonymously and confidentially.  Each photograph was printed on a separate sheet of paper and divided into two groups according to sex (see appendix C.) Paper and pens were used for the subjects to record their ranking order of physical attractiveness for the male and female groups. Microsoft excel was used to format these results (see appendix D.)  SPSS (version 10) software was used to calculate the data set.  Design  The enquiry was a correlation study, exploring the relationship between the two variables of physical attractiveness of an individual and the physical attractiveness of their partner. Spearmans rho statistical test was used to calculate the data set because the study was a correlation design and the data was ordinal. We will write a custom essay sample on Physical attractiveness specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Physical attractiveness specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Physical attractiveness specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Procedure  Participants were asked for full informed consent (see appendix B). They were aware they could withdraw from the study at any point and were provided a chance to clarify any issues they found confusing. They were then taken into a secluded room to prevent any external interference. Photographs were pre-organised into two piles, male and female, although within these groups the order was random. A brief was given of the ranking procedure, Please rank the photographs in each pile in order of physical attractiveness, position 1 being the least attractive and 10 the most attractive.  Participants were given unlimited time to complete the task. After recording the results, the subjects were given a verbal debriefing on the nature of the investigation.  Our study is investigating the theory that when seeking a partner we tend to go for those that match us in terms of physical attractiveness. The 20 photographs we asked you to rank were 10 long term couples. With your results we are going to see if the rank position you gave for the male of the couple is the same as the rank position you gave to the female. If so then it seems our hypothesis is correct. Thank you for you participation. If you wish to get in contact with any of us feel free to. (We then handed over our email address.) Once the data set was complete, the results were correlated and analysed using Spearmans Rho statistical analysis.  As this study suggests physical similarity doesnt denote itself as an important mate selection criteria, we may therefore be assured that appearances arent all that matter. In fact, a plethora of empirical documentations have shown that matching of personal characteristics is a more reliable determinate of attraction in long term relationships. For example, Newcomb (1961) provided students with rent-free accommodation in exchange for completed questionnaires concerning attitudes and values. Over the course of the  attraction between the students were closely measured. The results conclusively showed that attraction was ultimately determined by similar pre-acquaintance attitudes, adhering to the balance theory. Brynes repeated findings that matched attitudes is important in relationships led him to form a law of attraction that attraction bears a linear relation to homogenous attitudes. This is a logical implication as agreement is an affirming experience. Furthermore in order to sustain a relationship communication is necessary. If we have little in common with our partner we may lose interest. Linked to the importance of similarity, the social exchange theory purports close interpersonal relationships are formed on the basis of rewards partners can bring to each other. By striking a value match, individuals seek the partner they believe to be the most realistically rewarding they could hope to find (Thibaut and Kelly 1959; Berscheid and Walster 1978.) In some instances the reward may be physical appearance, explaining the slight correlation found in the results, however personality and social outlook tend to be viewed as stronger and often greater rewards. Furthermore these rewards can be counterbalanced, completing the equity theory that rewards should be contributed equality by each partner to avoid unfairness, for example one of the partners may be highly attractive and of average intelligence, whilst the other is average attractiveness and highly intelligent. Despite the general support for homogeny in relationships, another theory offering an explanation for the results is the notion of needs complimentary. This states in short that opposites attract as different characteristics can compliment each others psychological needs (Winch, 1958.) For example a dominant person may seek a submissive person or visa versa. However there is little experimental documentation to support this notion. It is more probable that complimenting develops later in courtship as each member of the relationship takes their role. (Rubin 1973) Even though there are theories offering explanations for the results of this experiment, I still feel there is evidence within society pointing us to the matching hypothesis of physical similarity. I therefore look to the experimental design to see if there are any reasons for inaccurate results. Firstly the matching hypothesis depends on the individuals self-evaluation (Leonard 1975.). If a person has low self-esteem, it is likely that they will seek a partner who is below their own market value. As we only had a small sample of couples, it is possible a few individuals who judged themselves to be lower than they actually are have affected the total findings. Hence for future studies I would increase the sample size. Secondly, even though we only used long term couples, we werent really aware of the level of commitment. If the couples were only casual, the criteria used is generally less tied to their own market value. As all the couples were students at the same university they may have been dating for six months, but due to the structure of terms, it is possible they were only actually together for four months. If I were to repeat this study I would raise the definition of long-term to 1 year or over. Thirdly, the photographed individuals may not have been accurately represented in the picture resulting in inaccurate ratings. In a future study this extraneous variable could be reduced by presenting a number of photographs of the same individual to the ranking procedure.  Due to the findings of this experiment, it would be interesting to include personality assessments to the procedure. We would therefore be able to see if there is a correlation between similar personalities in cases where the couples didnt match in physical attractiveness.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Fahrenheit 451 Summary

Fahrenheit 451 Summary Ray Bradbury’s 1953 novel Fahrenheit 451 is set in a dystopian society that burns books in order to control dangerous ideas and unhappy concepts. The novel tells the story of Guy Montag, a fireman who questions the book-burning policy and undergoes extraordinary suffering and transformation as a result. Part 1: The Hearth and the Salamander When the novel begins, fireman Guy Montag is burning a hidden collection of books. He enjoys the experience; it is a pleasure to burn. After finishing his shift, he leaves the firehouse and goes home. On the way he meets a neighbor, a young girl named Clarisse McClellan. Clarisse tells Montag that she is crazy and she asks Montag many questions. After they part, Montag finds himself disturbed by the encounter. Clarisse has forced him to think about his life instead of simply offering superficial responses to her questions. At home, Montag discovers his wife, Mildred, unconscious from an overdose of sleeping pills. Montag calls for help and two technicians arrive to pump Mildreds stomach and perform a blood transfusion. They tell Montag that they no longer send doctors because there are so many overdoses. The next day, Mildred claims to have no memory of the overdose, believing she went to a wild party and woke up hungover. Montag is disturbed by her cheer and her inability to engage with what happened. Montag continues to meet Clarisse almost every night for talks. Clarisse tells him that she is sent to therapy because she does not enjoy the normal activities of life and prefers to be outside and to have conversations. Some weeks later Clarisse suddenly stops meeting him, and Montag is saddened and alarmed. The firemen are called to a book hoarder’s house. An old woman refuses to give up her library, and the firemen break in and begin to tear the house apart. In the chaos, Montag steals a copy of the Bible on impulse. The old woman then shocks him by setting herself and her books on fire. Montag goes home and attempts to engage Mildred in conversation, but his wife’s mind has regressed and she is incapable of even simple thoughts. He asks her what happened to Clarisse and she is able to tell him that the girl was hit by a car and killed a few days prior. Montag tries to sleep but imagines a Hound (a robotic assistant to the firemen) prowling around outside. The next morning, Montag suggests he might need a break from his work, and Mildred panics over the thought of not being able to afford their home and the large wall-sized televisions that provide her parlor wall family. Hearing of Montag’s crisis, Montag’s boss, Captain Beatty, explains the origin of the book-burning policy: because of shortening attention spans and increased protest against various books content, the society decided to voluntarily dispense of all books in order to prevent future trouble. Beatty suspects Montag has stolen a book, and tells Montag that a fireman who has stolen a book is usually given 24 hours to burn it. After that, the rest of the firemen will come and burn down his house. After Beatty leaves, Montag reveals to a horrified Mildred that he has been stealing books for a while, and has several hidden away. She attempts to burn them, but he stops her and says they will read the books and decide if they have any value. If not, he promises to burn them. Part 2: The Sieve and the Sand Montag hears the Hound outside the house, but tries to force Mildred to consider the books. She refuses, angry at being forced to think. Montag tells her that something is wrong with the world, that no one is paying attention to the bombers overhead that threaten nuclear war, and he suspects books might contain information that could help fix it. Mildred becomes angry, but soon gets distracted when her friend Mrs. Bowles calls to arrange a television viewing party. Frustrated, Montag telephones a man he’d met many years before: a former English professor named Faber. He wants to ask Faber about books, but Faber hangs up on him. Montag goes to Faber’s house via subway, taking the Bible with him; he attempts to read it but is constantly distracted and overwhelmed by the advertising being played incessantly. Faber, an old man, is suspicious and afraid. He initially refuses to help Montag in his quest for knowledge, so Montag begins to rip pages from the Bible, destroying the book. This act horrifies Faber and he finally agrees to help, giving Montag an earpiece so that Faber can guide him verbally from a distance. Montag returns home and interrupts Mildreds viewing party, turning off the parlor wall screens. He tries to engage Mildred and their guests in conversation, but they are revealed to be thoughtless and callous people who don’t even care for their own children. Disgusted, Montag begins reading from a book of poetry despite Faber’s pleas in his ear. Mildred tells her friends that this is something firemen do once a year to remind everyone how terrible books and the past were. The party breaks up, and Faber insists that Montag burn the poetry book to avoid arrest. Montag buries the rest of his book collection and takes the bible to the firehouse, handing it to Beatty. Beatty informs him that he himself was once a book-lover, but he realized that none of the knowledge in books was of any real use. A call comes in for the firemen and they climb onto the truck and race to the destination: Montag’s house. Part 3: Burning Bright Beatty tells Montag that his wife and her friends reported him. Mildred leaves the house in a daze and gets into a taxi without a word. Montag does as ordered and burns his own house down, but when Beatty discovers the earpiece and threatens to kill Faber, Montag burns him to death and attacks his fellow firemen. The Hound attacks him and injects tranquilizers into his leg before he can burn it as well. As he limps away he wonders if Beatty had wanted to die, and set up Montag to kill him. At Faber’s house, the old man urges Montag to flee into the wilderness and make contact with the Drifters, a group of people who have escaped society. They see another Hound being released on television. Montag meets the drifters, who are led by a man named Granger. Granger tells him that the authorities will fake Montag’s capture rather than admit to any flaw in their control, and sure enough, they watch on a portable television as a another man is identified as Montag and executed. The Drifters are former intellectuals, and they have each memorized at least one book with the intention of carrying its knowledge into the future. As Montag studies with them, bombers fly overhead and drop nuclear bombs on the city. The Drifters are far enough away to survive. The next day, Granger tells them about the legendary Phoenix that rose from the ashes, and muses that humans can do the same, except with the knowledge of their own mistakes to guide them. The group then begins walking towards the city to help rebuild society with their memorized wisdom.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Infection among Burn Patients Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Infection among Burn Patients - Research Paper Example In general 75% of the fatalities are usually seen at the scene of the incident itself, and for those reaching medical care, infection is the major cause of mortality and illness (Murray, 2011). Since majority of the skin is exposed to the elements and to the atmosphere, protecting it from infection and bacteria is a major challenge. For those with burn injuries, this challenge is even bigger. The type and quantity of microorganisms which colonize the burn wounds are also known to affect the patient’s future risk for would infection. The pathogens which infect the wound are mostly gram-positive bacteria which include methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and gram-negative bacteria Acinetobacter baumannii-calcoaceticus complex, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella species (Murray, 2011). These infective agents often increase the resistance of a person to various antimicrobials. Moreover, burns are usually infected with fungus infective agents, making the infection process on burn wounds even more difficult to prevent and manage. In recent years, the survival rates and the infection rates for infection among burn patients have improved with the introduction of modern medical practices. These medical practices now include advances in fluid resuscitation, nutritional support, pulmonary care, burn wound care, and infection control (Church,, 2006). Despite these improvements, there are still improvements which can be made to the practice. (Murray, 2011).Â